Webcert price comparator
Below are the prices of certification, per annum, from all known tier 1 providers as of July 2008.
Comparing a number of professional level certificates against a True Business ID bought from SpaceReg. The certificates we are comparing are all from a well known brand with 99% browser ubquity, with a site seal, 256 bit encryption (the strongest available) and authentication of the company name as well as the domain.
Company name | Equivalent product | Price |
Verisign | Secure site pro | 995.00 USD |
Geotrust | True Business ID (Note 1) | 399.00 USD |
GlobalSign | OrganizationSSL Certificate | 349.00 USD |
Thawte | SSL web server certificate | 249.00 USD |
Entrust | Advantage SSL Certificate | 199.00 USD |
SpaceReg | True Business ID | 140.00 USD |
Note 1: The True Business ID sold on GeoTrusts site is exactly the same as the one sold by SpaceReg.
Comparing a number of entry level certificates against a RapidSSL bought from SpaceReg. The certificates we are comparing do not have all the qualities of a professional level certificate, they authenticate only the domain and some products have major deficiencies (shown in brackets beside the product name).
Note 2: The RapidSSL sold by SpaceReg is exactly the same as the RapidSSL sold by GeoTrust.
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